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Alu tlačno litje

Če iščete mojstra za alu tlačno litje, se obrnite na podjetje Kofra d.o.o. Nahajamo se v Kamniku.

Pri nas smo zelo natančni, zanesljivi, odgovorni, fleksibilni, profesionalni in strokovno usposobljeni. Za alu tlačno litje in obdelava ulitkov, veljamo za bolj konkurenčne ponudnike. Svoje delo jemljemo resno in ga opravimo v dogovorjenih rokih.  

Obravnavamo vas individualno, saj nas zanima kakšna so vaša pričakovanja končnega izdelka, oziroma opravljene storitve, ker se radi kar najbolj približamo vaši ideji.

Z alu tlačim litjem se ukvarjamo že kar nekaj časa, kar pomeni, da imamo veliko pridobljenih znanj in izkušenj. Prav tako pa smo vam vedno na voljo za nasvet.

Za alu tlačno litje smo mi zagotovo najboljša izbira!

Naša prioriteta je zadovoljstvo naših strank, zato se vedno trudimo, da ugodimo vsem vašim željam, zahtevam in potrebam glede alu tlačnega litja. Pri svojem delu pa uporabljamo le najbolj kvalitetne materiale in najboljša orodja ter pripomočke.

Kje pa smo z alu tlačnim litjem najbolj prisotni? Nepogrešljivi smo v avtoindustriji ter pri izdelavi ohišij za plinske gorilce. Smo zelo prilagodljivi, hitro odzivni in ažurni. Ne boste razočarani v kolikor bo izvedba storitve prepuščena nam. Prepričajte se sami.

Alu tlačno litje opravljamo skladno s predpisi in standardi. Zagotavljamo visoko kakovost, ugodne cene, hitro odzivnost ter spoštovanje rokov in dogovorov s stranko. 

Smo specializirani na področju alu tlačnega litja, zato se na nas lahko popolnoma zanesete!

Kar se tiče alu tlačnega litja, vam sicer zagotavljamo:

  • visok nivo kakovosti,

  • cenovno ugodnost,

  • profesionalen pristop,

  • hitro odzivnost ter

  • korekten odnos.

Ne odlašajte in nas za storitve čim prej kontaktirajte. V kolikor potrebujete alu tlačno litje, se vam bomo z veseljem v celoti posvetili. Če se boste odločili za nas, boste vse prej kot razočarani!

Die casting and processing of aluminum castings

For high-quality die casting and processing of aluminum castings, the only right choice is Livarna Kofra.

Livarna Kofra is a company with long tradition, as we have begun writing our sucess story in 1999. We are a family-owned company, and our goal is to mirror the teamwork and synergy between the employees in our company with our valued customers, with whom we always aim for long-term cooperation. We strive to always offer our customers only the best solutions, which is why we have managed to establish a long-lasting business relationship with many of them. 

At Livarna Kofra we aim to offer our customers only the best services in the field of die casting. We use automated die casting cells, and can therefore guarantee the quality of our products, which will always meet your specifications.

We specialize in:

  • high pressure die casting,

  • a surface treatment,

  • and machining of aluminum alloys of customer-specific products.

We greatly value the time and money of our customers, and have therefore expanded the range of our products to contain:

  • Car gearbox housings and components,

  • Heating and control components,

  • Electronics housings,

  • LED lighting components,

  • Fittings,

  • Water and oil pump housings,

  • Filter housings,

  • Vibration damping components,

  • Hydraulic components,

  • Gear housings,

  • Other products based on customer requirements and specifications.

Our production process involves several steps between the purchase and the dispatch of your desired product. After choosing the most appropriate material, we melt it and begin with die casting and trimming. The deburring process that follow can be done in two ways, tumbling or shot blasting, after which we perform machining our outsource the following processes. Before packing and dispatching we perform a visual inspection to make sure the quality of our products is up to par with our high standards.

In the long years of our presence on the market, we have successfully completed numerous projects and feel confident that we can meet your demands and offer you a product that suits your needs. You may find more information about our company, our production process and our many references on our website. Contact us today and become part of our success story today.

Alu tlačno litje, Kofra d.o.o.