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Nega obraza, pomoč rakavim bolnikom, INŠTITUT ZA ZDRAVJE IN LEPOTO d.o.o., Savinjska

Podjetje INŠTITUT ZA ZDRAVJE IN LEPOTO storitve in zastopstvo d.o.o. iz Rogaške Slatine na Savinjskem je pravi naslov, ko želite vrhunsko medicinsko nego vašega obraza. Poleg tega vam nudimo tudi kvalitetne proizvode za naravni izgled kože ter koristne nasvete in pomoč rakavim bolnikom.

Pohvalimo se lahko kot glavni zastopnik uspešnega japonskega podjetja, ki na tržišča po svetu lansira odlične proizvode za nego in naravni videz vaše kože.

Uvažamo pa tudi izdelke ameriškega podjetja, ki ponuja čisto jedilno zlato. Tega je moč uporabiti v prehrambeni in kozmetični industriji.

Zlato je bilo že od nekdaj cenjeno zaradi različnih pozitivnim lastnosti in tudi danes izraža pridih razkošja, zatorej stopite z nami v stik tudi vi in si privoščite del božanskosti.

Pomemben nam je individualen pristop, saj se le tako svojim strankam maksimalno posvetimo in poiščemo za njih najboljše poti. Vsak ima svoje specifike in je primer zase, tega se zavedamo, zato tudi uberemo tak pristop, ki se je tekom našega delovanja izkazal za najbolj učinkovitega.

Pri nas poskrbimo za vaše zdravje tudi s pomočjo zunanjih strokovnjakov, tako nam lahko popolnoma zaupate, saj ste v odličnih rokah, ki vedo kaj delajo.

Za naročilo izdelkov in rezervacijo tretmaja nas pokličite in si privoščite obnovo imunskega sistema, razstrupljanje telesa in naše izdelke.

INŠTITUT ZA ZDRAVJE IN LEPOTO storitve in zastopstvo d.o.o., kjer vaš čaka vrhunska medicinska nega obraza, proizvodi za naravni videz kože ter pomoč in svetovanje rakavim bolnikom.

Facial care, help for cancer patients, INSTITUTE OF HEALTH AND BEAUTY d.o.o., Savinjska

The company INŠTITUT ZA ZDRAVJE IN LEPOTO storitve in zastopstvo d.o.o. from Rogaška Slatina in the Savinjska region is the right address when you want top medical care for your face. In addition, we also offer quality products for the natural appearance of the skin, as well as useful tips and help for cancer patients.

We can boast of being the main representative of a successful Japanese company that launches excellent care products and the natural look of your skin to markets around the world.

We also import products from an American company that offers pure edible gold. This can be used in the food and cosmetics industry.

Gold has always been valued for its various positive qualities and even today it expresses a touch of luxury, so get in touch with us and treat yourself to a part of divinity.

An individual approach is important to us, because only in this way do we dedicate ourselves to our clients to the maximum and find the best solution for you. Everyone has their own specifics and is an example for themselves, we are aware of that, so we take such an approach, which has proven to be the most effective during our work.

We also take care of your health with the help of external experts, so you can trust us completely, because you are in great hands who know what they are doing.

To order products and book a treatment, call us and treat yourself to restoring the immune system, detoxifying the body and our products.

INSTITUTE OF HEALTH AND BEAUTY services and representation d.o.o., where you will find top-quality medical facial care, products for the natural appearance of the skin and help and counselling for cancer patients.